Newsletter Updates
Summer Serving
May was another busy month of great blessings in Altagracia! We hosted our largest mission team yet, who served in a variety of medical and social ministries. A team of 14 from New Life Baptist Church blessed our communities in big ways and built lifelong bonds with our neighbors that bless them in return.
Q2 - 2018

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Fall Fun...
In August, final school uniform sponsorships were fulfilled, and a huge donation of school shoes was received, plus lots of personalized school supply gifts collected in New Castle, PA and shipped in from across the U.S. School and construction supplies were packed in 16 bags for 7 travelers, and the blessings were delivered to the D.R. in three stages.
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Q3 - 2017

Summer Service...
What an eventful summer full of blessings for Giving Hands Foundation! In April, daily medical service and weekly children’s Sunday School continued, along with construction of the Segura home. This family lost their homes in a fire in December, and their new house finally took shape. Meanwhile, a group of 30 women were getting into shape through regular exercise meetings. This was all coming together, along with stateside team building, in preparation for the New Life Baptist Church mission trip.
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Q2 - 2017

New Year, New Care..
In January, the Giving Hands volunteer staff adapted to running the clinic without Dr. Jacob. They maintained contact with Dr. Jacob, following his guidance and bringing their patient care questions or medication needs to his attention, and our neighbors’ health needs were continually met. Our lead Sunday school teacher, Anyelina, carried on the weekly program by designing and implementing her own lessons and shared photos and video every week.
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Q1 - 2017

Christmas Giving..
October was a low-key month for Altagracia, as the Giving Hands clinic functioned mainly through Dr. Jacob and the kids of the community had settled into their school routine. We took our first missionary representing trip to Puerto Rico the week of Oct. 5-12 and shared fellowship with our supporting church, Iglesia Plenitud del Reino. Dr. Jacob shared a presentation of our story and current ministries, and we began the plans for an upcoming collaborative mission trip of Christ-centered community outreach that will focus on dental and medical care.