Improving Health Care
The first and main program is to improve health care in the region. This has already started, led by Dr. Jacob. Currently we are borrowing a building to bring improved care to the area.
Services Include:
•Daily clinic hours
•Volunteer nursing staff
•Donated medications and supplies
•Donated funds provide specialized meds
•Education assistance to student nurses
•Community clinic events when medical teams visit
•Hygiene supplies distributions
•Nutritional support
We have come a long way, but there is still a long way to go. We are always
and still in need of:
•Hygiene Supplies
•Visiting specialists
•Better clinic facility…

Dinner Programs
The majority of families in our communities are unable to cook more than one meal per day. Most children can't eat dinner at home in the evenings, so we've started to serve dinners in the Giving Hands House for some of our neediest local children each week. We'll soon have more space to expand this program, as we hope to finish construction of our new events pavilion in March. Another goal is to increase the number of meals per week. In the future, we also hope to include a weekly dinner event for our elderly neighbors who can't cook for themselves.

At this point, Giving Hands Foundation is able to fund one children's meal per week. We're seeking sponsorship of additional dinners each week in order to feed more children. A donation of $20 provides a meal for 15-20 children. To make a one-time or recurring meal sponsorship, use the "Donate" button and add "Dinner" in the comment field. Then watch for photos of your sponsored dinner the following week!