Sunday School
As important as physical health and academics are for the future of our children and community, our ultimate goal is shining a light of loving provision to point our people to God, the Giver of all these blessings, most importantly salvation through Jesus Christ. We began our Biblical, spiritual outreach with the children, first through occasional get-togethers at the Ramirezes' home, which later grew to a more formalized, weekly Sunday School session in our current facility. Now, one of our leading community volunteers, Anyelina, maintains the Sunday School program each week and submits attendance records for "extra credit" in our student attendance competition! Sunday School will soon move to the events pavilion on the Giving Hands property, and we pray to one day grow the budget to include more crafts, snacks, and curricular materials. Please pray for our children's hearts to be touched by the Holy Spirit through this program, and watch for photo updates on our Facebook page each Sunday morning!

Christmas Gift Sposorship
One of our favorite ways to express God's love to our children is by being His vessel to deliver gifts from loving sponsors in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. Each fall, we publish photos of children with their Christmas gift requests and seek sponsors to purchase the $10-20 gift. Sponsors un-package and submit their gifts in time for our Christmas season trip. Each gift is carefully labeled before we transport them all in our luggage. Gifts are distributed in our communities in a series of parties, where children also learn about Jesus as the ultimate gift and receive a snack. We explain to our children, whose families cannot afford to purchase any Christmas gifts (much less a specifically requested gift), that God loves them so much that He touches the hearts of sponsors all the way in the U.S. to send their gifts and love, in His Name. If you would like to participate, please watch for Navidad Internacional 2018 to be advertised this fall!